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若商品有下列情形者,將會影響退貨權限: 1.服飾、鞋子、包包、飾品配件類商品之吊牌拆除或經水洗,人為的不可清除髒污。 2.鞋類商品: (1)鞋底磨損 (請於室內,軟墊上試穿SIZE)。 (2)商品上有不可清除的髒污或痕跡。
A copy of the TICA Breeder Slip for the cat. A copy of the TICA litter registration for your cat's litter. A copy of the pedigree for your cat issued by a recognized association. A copy of the pedigree or registration papers for both the sire and dam of your cat issued by a recognized association.